Solostrength Freestanding Gym – REVIEW (UPDATE JULY 2024)

solostrength freestanding gym
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Although Solostrength has a good selection of “home gym” systems, the Solostrength Freestanding Gym is their bestselling product.  Just looking at the picture, you can see this big piece of equipment has a lot to offer.  I may have categorized this as one of my power tower reviews, but the Solostrength Freestanding Gym is much more than just a power tower.  If you use it effectively, you will be targeting every muscle group – including lower body.  But for such a massive pricetag, is it worth it?  Check out my review to learn more.


Solostrength Freestanding Gym – Features and Specs

Equipment Type:  Power Tower (and then some)solostrength freestanding gym

Includes: Base, Adjustable Pull-Up Bar, Standing System, Level Adjusters (for stability)

Optional Item:  Adjustable Dip Bar (extra charge)

39 Adjustable Heights for Pull Up Bar:  From top to bottom, allowing you a wide range of different exercise options.

Access to Training:  Including challenges, videos, a smartphone app, and more.

Warranty:  3 Years

Return Policy:  30-Days are risk-free for refunds

Height:  94″ (can go shorter or higher depending on preferences. Different prices apply)

Length:  48″

Width:  42″

Weight:  102 pounds

Price:  $869.99

<<Purchase the Solostrength Freestanding Gym Here>>



  • Sturdy enough for most weights.  For its price, you would expect the sturdiness to not be a problem.  The base isn’t just a set of legs, it’s an entire platform.  Rocking should never happen so long as you set this up properly and on a flat floor.  You also get small level adjusters if you need them for the bottom of the Solostrength Gym, just in case there is a little wobble that needs to be fixed.  These are attached at the bottom and won’t be seen once installed.  The description on the website says this item is capable of holding up to 1000 pounds!
  • Adjustable pullup bar height makes the high pricetag worth it. This adjustable bar goes beyond people of different heights using this product.  It’s great for that, too, but that’s only the beginning.  Bring the bar way down to practice single-bar dips, or do lower resistance calisthenic exercises.  Having the bar lower, put simply, opens up a plethora of new ways to exercise in addition to pull ups.  There are 39 different height options so you will have plenty to do!
  • Yes, even lower body workouts.  Bulgarian squats, calf raises, and a variety of assisted leg exercises can all be down with the Solostrength Ultimate Freestanding Gym.
  • Attach stuff to gain even MORE workouts.  Is my point getting across yet?  Attach gymnastic rings, resistance bands or suspension trainers to it without worrying about wobbling at all.
  • Anchoring system is quick and easy for adjusting the bar height.  It’s as simple as squeezing the side clamps inward and sliding the bar up or down to the correct height.  It moves smoothly and without any interruption to your workout.
  • The online content is incredible.  Whether you’re new to this type of equipment or not, I strongly suggest at least trying a few of the workouts that you gain access to once you’re all set up.  I particularly suggest looking into the intense Speedfit app, which is a circuit workout program.
  • Setup isn’t as hard as it looks.  The Solostrength Gym is massive and heavy, but thankfully there aren’t a gazillion parts to put together.  It is possible to have it set up in under an hour, especially if you can get someone to help you put it together.
  • 3-Year warranty.  This is an unexpectedly long time for a warranty, which tells me that the Solostrength company believes in their product.  In other words, you probably won’t need the warranty, but they give it to you anyway.
  • Payment plan options.  It’s pricey, but Solostrength will let you do monthly increments instead of a lump sum.  Very handy if you really want this equipment but are on a budget.



  • Expensive.  Not overpriced by any means, but would ya just look at that pricetag?  It’s a little intimidating.  But you’re getting a quality piece of equipment that potentially will replace any need for a gym membership.  People have had these for years, still use them, and haven’t stepped inside a gym for a long time.  Just something to keep in mind.  But yeah… It’s a lot of money at $870.  Note that there are cheaper versions of the Solostrength Gym, like the corner gym.
  • Takes up a lot of space.  You need a spacious area to set this up, because it’s not the type of equipment that you can just slide out of the way, or fold up, or travel with.  It’s pretty huge, so keep that in mind.
  • Heavy.  Going along with how much room it takes up, another reason you want to find the best possible spot for this is because it’s heavy, and you won’t want to move it around.
  • The optional dip bars are great, but cost extra.  The dip bars hook onto the pull up bar, and they are amazing.  Unfortunately, they will cost you another $130.  Yikes.



Solostrength Freestanding Gym – OVERALLsolostrength freestanding gym

Obviously, the price is probably the biggest thing to consider before deciding to buy the Solostrength Freestanding Gym.  But just know that you will be getting your money’s worth if you use it consistently.  The sliding pull up bar is truly a blessing for any type of workout – whether you’re doing certain muscle areas or full body.  The fact that you can slide the bar as high or low as you need makes the Solostrength Freestanding Gym the most ideal excuse to use when you want to cancel your gym membership.  And after your intense Solostrength Freestanding Gym workout, remember to stretch!


My Score:  4 out of 5

<<Purchase the Solostrength Freestanding Gym Here>>


Do you have a Solostrength Freestanding Gym?  How has it been going for you?  Let me know in the comments below!



5 thoughts on “Solostrength Freestanding Gym – REVIEW (UPDATE JULY 2024)

  1. I have worked in the fitness industry for over seven years. And I have been struggling to make up my mind concerning the Solostrength freestanding gym. Some friends in the industry give good reviews, and others, not so good. But they all agree that it’s a durable and sturdy piece of equipment. 

    Your review has answered some of my questions. Thank you!

    1. Hi Ann,

      Yeah, it’s a tough call between this and, say, a power tower or over-the-door pull up bar.  My biggest concern was the price.  Also, long before I was able to review it my home didn’t have even close to enough space!  But it’s solid, that’s for sure–if you get it, it should last a very long time. Thanks for reading!

  2. I have been training at the gym for quite some time. Do you think this could replace my routine going to the gym or maybe just supplement it?

  3. I am thinking of getting this. Just a quick question, will I be able to replace my gym routine with this or would you say this is a good piece of equipment to supplement my gym routine. thanks in advance! Otherwise, it has really good pros and they outweight the cons. I think it will eventually pay for itself

    1. Hi! I would say it could potentially replace a gym routine, but there are always going to be limitations even with this type of versatile equipment. Especially lower body–I’ve found that Solostrength Freestanding Gym can’t match up to typical lower body workouts. The rest is awesome all around, though. Thanks for reading!

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