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Darebee Workouts
Darebee is a non-profit fitness website that focuses on bodyweight and equipment-free workouts for its visitors. Darebee is completely free and is constantly growing on an almost daily basis. Being a non-profit, users of this program are encouraged to make a donation to keep it afloat. Darebee also includes a massive forum for fitness discussions, mealplans, nutrition information, and general fitness guides.

Darebee is great for people who don’t want to buy a gym membership or have any of their own home workout equipment. It is true that you really don’t need any equipment to take full advantage of Darebee, however there are still quite a few workouts that do require equipment. You can search for workouts based on equipment versus no equipment, along with many other filters, such as area of focus, type of workout, and level of difficulty.
In my opinion, it is hard to qualify Darebee as a simple “workout program,” because in reality it is a giant database/collection of workout programs. Darebee itself is simply the vault from which you can select workouts and workout programs. It has a simple layout, but don’t let that fool you – once you start exploring the website you will be overwhelmed with all of its content!
Program: Darebee
Creators: Volunteers and Fitness Experts
Length: Varies
Required Equipment: None
Optional Equipment: Pullup bar, free weights, workout bench, stability ball, jump rope
Cost: FREE
Please help support Darebee’s cause by clicking here to donate!
Darebee Workouts Are Great for Beginners
Despite its mother-load of fitness content, I believe that Darebee is best of all for beginners to calisthenic fitness. Why? Because as a beginner, the number of workout programs vying for your attention is too great to get a grip on. I love Darebee because it is one single, central hub for calisthenic workouts. It is user-friendly and allows you to select a workout based on what YOU want to do. Want a month-long program? Just a quick workout for the day? A few beginner-level progressions for calisthenic moves? Darebee will have it if you look for it.
There are plenty of intermediate and advanced workouts available on Darebee as well. I do not want to steer anyone away from Darebee regardless of fitness level – it’s just that I believe beginners will find the most benefit from the website.
Darebee Workouts Are On Your Terms
Features of Darebee:
- A Workout of the Day. Updated every 24 hours.
- A Monthly Challenge. Updated every month.
- A “Daily Dare.” A tough workout with a set goal meant to be completed at your own pace within 24 hours.
- Dozens of Workout Programs. Typically lasting 30 days.
- Hundreds of Individual Workouts. More are always being added.
- Fitness-Focused Forum. Called “The Hive.”
- Dozens of Guides. On various subjects, such as bodyweight exercise, nutrition, stretching, and mental health.
- Miscellany. Including recipes, meal plans, non-fitness challenges, and other information.
How to Start Your Darebee Workouts
Like I mentioned, it’s great that Darebee works as a central hub for all types of fitness goals and preferences, and it really makes itself as simple to navigate as possible. Having a great user interface is perhaps one of its greatest assets. Still, there’s no denying that it can be overwhelming at first. To get acquainted with how Darebee works and ultimately decide which Darebee workouts are best for you, I suggest skimming through its Introduction page. If you are an absolute beginner, you should also read the manual. When you are ready, you can also figure out how to pick a program.
Darebee Workouts – Pros and Cons
Let’s get into the great aspects of Darebee, and some areas in which it could be improved.
- FREE. Need I say more? An entire collection of calisthenic workouts that require no cost at all.
- Loads of content. No matter what your fitness goals or levels, there will be workouts and workout programs for you out of the boatload of stuff available to you.
- Equipment is optional. In fact, most of the workouts require no equipment at all.
- User-friendly interface. After the initial shock of seeing how much content there is, you will find that Darebee workouts are easy to search for. The entire website itself is easy to navigate, really.
- Exercise videos. You can get demonstrations on certain moves if you aren’t sure how to do them.
- Printable documents. So many of the workouts and their charts and graphics are designed to be easily printed out. You won’t need to go to the Darebee website or even use your computer while you’re working out if you have this stuff printed out.
- Great for all fitness levels. Especially beginners who don’t know where to start! I should also mention there is a lot of content for rehabilitation and injury recovery.
- Extra content. If you want nutrition insight, recipes, mental health advice, or knowledge of how muscles work, you can find it on Darebee.
- Non-Profit & Ad-Free. Darebee is designed for and dedicated to its users. In turn, it is their hope that their users also support them through donations.
- Overwhelming at first. Again, I strongly suggest checking out their introductory page, because if you are new to bodyweight workouts or any kind of fitness, the Darebee website will be an information overload at first. Take your time with it!
- Some limitations. Certain workouts may not be hard enough or won’t hit the targeted muscles as much as you’d like. In such cases, you may have to make adjustments.
Darebee Workouts: Conclusion
I am so impressed with Darebee, and I hope that it continues to grow and prosper with the support of its community. There are so many great workouts available on it no matter what your level of fitness, and it is especially great to me because it is mostly dedicated to calisthenics. Its simple, ad-free website and completely free-to-use nature make it among the best of the best. And it’s great that it encourages you to remember to stretch!
My Score: 5 out of 5
Do you use Darebee? What parts of it have you been using, and how has it helped you? Let me know in the comments below! And for other workout program reviews, click here.