Archer Pull Ups – Take Your Pull Ups Further!

archer pull ups
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Pull ups are never easy, but if you are looking for a new way to make them even more challenging for you, then I suggest implementing the Archer Pull Up into your routines.  It is a move that I am always trying to improve myself, as getting the form just right and the uneven nature of the motions can make it extremely difficult for me.  I don’t recommend this for those who are just getting their first few pull ups accomplished, and in fact you probably should be able to do at least 10 clean pull ups with proper form before starting to work on your archer pull ups.

archer pull up

My main struggle with archer pull ups is accomplishing the “internet” version of them.  If you look around the web, you see people on bars flattening their non-pulling arm and palm against the bar as they pull themselves up with the other arm.  I’m not sure how much of a difference this flashy extra move makes on your overall strength gains, but nonetheless it is something I’m working on.  I do believe part of my difficulty is because I don’t have a pull-up bar that is long enough for me to do this “flattening” movement.


Personally, I find the “normal” version of archer pull ups tough enough, as this fella demonstratesThose with gymnastic rings can also do archer pull ups – they are even tougher this way.  No matter how you do the archer pull up, you understand how they got their name.


How To Do Archer Pull Ups – On the Bar

Step 1:  Before you start, make sure you have a pull up bar that is wide enough for wide grip pull ups, and ensure that it is sturdy.  Remember that the archer pull up involves uneven pulling motions.  Bars at gyms or parks are usually great, but be cautious with at-home bars.

Step 2:  Grip the bar with a wide grip, palms facing away from you.  The wider your grips, the harder the archer pull ups will be.

Step 3:  From the hanging position, pull your body up and to the right.  At the very beginning of this pull, you will use both arms equally.

Step 4:  Very shortly after the beginning of the pull, bend and flex your right arm so that almost all the pulling is with your right arm.  Extend your left arm as much as you can, while you rotate it downwards slightly.  Your torso and legs will follow your motion to the right as well.  If you’re strong enough, do the palm flattening motion with your left palm so that it rests flat on the top of the bar.

Step 5:  Pull yourself up and to the right with the idea that your chest should target the bar and your chin should end up above it.  When at the height of the pull up, hold that position for one second.

Step 6:  Slowly lower your body back down into the hanging position.

Step 7:  Repeat the same motion with the left arm.


How To Do Archer Pull Ups – With Rings

Step 1:  Before you start, make sure your rings are hanging at an equal distance from the floor/ground, and are on a sturdy tree branch, overhang, or other structure.

Step 2:  Grip the rings with your palms facing each other.

Step 3:  From the hanging position, slowly pull your body up.  At the very beginning of this pull, you will use both arms equally.

Step 4:  Very shortly after beginning your pull up, bend and flex your right arm so that almost all the pulling is with your right arm.  At the same time, extend your left arm away from your body.  Your extending arm will eventually be fully outstretched, and your palm will be facing the ground or floor.  It is almost like your left fist is punching the air directly at your side.  Your torso and legs will follow your slight motion to the right, although your body won’t move as much with the rings as they would with the bar.

Step 5:  Pull yourself up with your flexing right arm so that your chest reaches your right hand.

Step 6:  Slowly lower your body back down into the hanging position.

Step 7:  Repeat the same motion with the left arm.


Archer Pull Ups for Beginners – Ideas

  • With your pulling arm, grip the bar with a palm-facing-away grip as if you were doing a chin up.  This makes the uneven pulling motion easier.
  • Don’t try to fully extend your extending arm – just extend it slightly.  This is the progression I’ve been doing until I have access to a longer and sturdier pull up bar, as I demonstrate below.

archer pull ups


Pull the Bowstring With Your Bodyweight

As I continue to update you on my calisthenics journey, you can bet that many of these updates will include archer pull ups.  They are tough but are an amazing strengthening exercise for those of you looking for new variations and challenges to the tried and true pull up.  For other pull up exercises, check out my other pull up posts.  Let me know about your archer pull up progress in the comments below!  And remember to stretch!



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